Model Poses Guide

If you’re a model or photographer, you're in the middle of the shoot, and you're stuck. You’re thinking: How can I get a better model pose? How can I make this picture shine. This is something I have struggled with in my own work, having repetitive or simple posing, so I thought I would write a guide to help out new photographers and models that are in a similar spot. Here are my tips for more natural poses that can help you get unstuck during a photoshoot. I’ve also included a list of model poses you can try out. This list will act as a starting point or give you some options that can help take you on your way to better modeling, whether you’re a photographer or a model.

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Famous Fashion Photographers

The fashion industry is face-paced and always changing. In an industry that is continuously evolving, fashion photographers are essential in bringing the latest styles and trends to consumers around the world. Behind every fashion magazine spread and style campaign is a brilliant fashion photographer who brought together the right fashion, the right models, and the right locations.

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Instagram Photos for Photographers

Instagram has changed a lot in the past year with new algorithms, content opportunities, stories, and live videos, just to name a few features. Although Instagram’s organic reach isn’t as great as it once was a few years ago, the platform can still be a key component of any photographer’s business. Here are seven tips to help photographers get more exposure on Instagram.

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Los Angeles Beaches

Los Angeles. It has beaches. It has beautiful locations. If you're a photographer though where should you shoot? This is probably the most common question that I ask myself before each and every photoshoot. I thought it would make a great topic for a blog post. Taking photos at the beach in Los Angeles requires a combination of planning, production, knowledge, and luck. 

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Beginner Portrait Photography Tips

A great portrait is almost the very definition of great photography and when most of us think of photography, we often think of great portraits. Images of friends and family. The selfies and self-portraits we've shot. Portraits of strangers. When done well, portraits reveal the complexion and diversity of the human condition and can provoke an emotional response in the viewer.

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